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Emergency 01233 624687
Barrow Hill Veterinary Centre 01233 624687
Hythe 01303 269000
New Romney 01797 363177

CT Machine

Allowing us to investigate and diagnose your pets quickly

CT services

We have installed a new Toshiba Aquilion Lightning, 16 slice CT scanner at our Ashford Centre.

This is available for outpatient scanning, if you have a case which you feel may benefit from CT investigation.

We are easily accessible with ample parking just off of junction 9 of the M20.

DICOM images can be supplied on a disc for your own interpretation or a report from an RCVS recognised specialist can be provided with the images for an additional cost.

Further CT services

We can advise on DICOM viewing software if needed for image reconstruction.

If you have a case that would benefit from a CT scan or would like to discuss the service please contact the practice by e-mail: Veterinary practices please attach the pet's full clinical history along with a completed referral form which can be downloaded here.

For urgent cases please call 01233 624687